Last Updated: February 2, 2024

SpotifyPanel Review: Does It Really Work?

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    Is it really what it seems? Stay tuned. In this article I will be discussing what Spotify Panel does to the independent artists community. I will be walking you through their website, their story, their designs, step by step analysis of their product. Additionally, we will speak on their pros and cons, you won’t believe the reviews on this one!

    Generally, softwares like this are illegal, since they are not organic listeners, you didn’t grow your audience, you bought it.

    I’m not judging you, I’ve used it myself, and it has done pretty well.

    Let me begin by asking you, the reader, are you an upcoming artist? Have you, for some time now, tried to find your way into the real world through your passion?

    So have I, and let me tell you, it is very hard. People don’t appreciate good music anymore. The trend is mumbling some words on a rhythmic beat, struggling to understand what it’s being said.

    Can you feel the taste of winning on your tongue? But you’re yet to reach it, as if… it drops through your fingers.

    Don’t you want to be listened to? Go on your streaming account and see ‘’10 thousand monthly listeners’’.

    TEN THOUSAND A MONTH! That’s a whole stadium!! Listening to your music EVERY month.

    I got a little too excited. But I am sick of losing terrain in front of these non-talented so-called ‘’rappers’’. Talent should thrive again. So, I started seeking help. I asked other famous artists in the field to promote me. They said no. I was desperate. It seemed like I was lost. But then,

    ▶️ I took action, I started looking for shortcuts.

    ▶️ I failed, AGAIN.

    ▶️ I paid companies way too much for way too little.

    After endless hours of searching, I found our way out. Spotify Panel.

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      What is Spotify Panel?

      Spotify Panel, as they call themselves, is a comprehensive service that helps independent artists and record labels grow their fanbase on Spotify.

      Their service includes plays promotion, music marketing and Youtube engagement.

      Not to worry, Spotify Panel has a full team of people with years of experience in the music industry ready to assist you on your path to success.

      In the past years, they have helped several parties grow their audience, increase their revenue and enabled the people to launch their careers.

      With commitment, sheer will and a lot of frustration, Spotify Panel was born.

      Spotify Panel, based in the United Kingdom, was founded in 2018 by Efe Onsoi and James Hayter, two independent musicians, such as yourself, who have this ambition to help others in need.

      They understood the importance of being SEEN.

      The Walkaround!

      Now that you are a little more familiar with what Spotify Panel represents,
      I’m about to walk you through, step by step, on how you can use this app.
      From the start to the finish line.

      1. In order to access Spotify Panel, all you need is an internet connection and a device you can use. Open a browser and type, or you may click this link right here:
      2. You will be directed to their landing page, if you click the link. If you typed that in the search bar, you should be able to see them on the first result.The landing page looks exactly like the picture I inserted at the beginning of the article.  Now that you landed correctly, register. You should find a green button in the top-right corner that says ‘’Register’’.
      3. Create an account, username and password, and click the ‘’Register’’ button. After creating your account, you will be redirected to the main page where now you may login with the credentials you used to register.Once you’re logged in, the Dashboard should appear on your screen.
      4. Now that the Dashboard has popped up, you can see the different options Spotify Panel has, such as: Creating a new order, viewing the different services they’ve got, adding funds, and more.
      5. You can, also, read their story by clicking the ‘’Our Story’’ button found on the top part of the page, near their site logo. I’d give it a go since it’s nice knowing more about the creators of the tool you’re about to use.
      6. You are able to see the prices upfront by tapping the ‘’prices’’ button, also, found on the top part of the page, more to the right though. I wonder how they make profit at all.

      7. Moving on, if you scroll far enough on the main page, you will discover the FAQ (frequently asked questions) section, where they answer the common questions the normal consumer might have.

      You may have one right now. Yes, that one, that’s been following you since you started reading this article. That’s in there.

      Let me answer you some common questions such as:

      1. Is it legal to buy Spotify streams?

      No, clearly not.

      2. Where can you buy Spotify real streams?

      3. Is Spotify Panel safe to use?

      Yes, it is. You will be satisfied with their service.

      How to Place an Order?

      Next I will show you how to place an order, from A to Z. This should educate you well enough to buy your desired streams without having any issue.

      In order to add funds, all you have to do is click the ‘’Add Funds’’ button found on the left side of the screen. Choose your method of payment, they’ve got loads, such as the typical card, crypto and more.

      They also offer extra bonuses on several methods, if used.

      Don’t worry, safety is the number 1 priority, that’s why they have 3D Secure and SSL encrypted Payments as well for all credit card transactions.

      Type the amount you want to fund your account with, and hit the PAY button. Once your account is funded, let me help you create a New Order.

      You have to choose a category, for instance, Spotify Global Plays. I will use that as an example.

      From here, you can select the service of your choice. They have plenty, such as:

      • Spotify Panel New Web 2.0 Exclusive Services (Algorithmic and Chart Ranking Plays)
      • Spotify Panel Web 2.0 Targeted Monthly Listeners (Algorithmic and Chart Ranking Listeners)
      • Cheapest Of All Time Spotifypanel Service
      • Spotify USA Play (Best USA Plays in the Market)
      • Spotify Global Plays (Best Global Plays in the Market)
      • Spotify Exclusive Ads Plays (Best For Spotify Algorithm)
      • Spotify Fastest Play (Daily 100,000 Plays)

      Now that you have an idea of what services are being provided, you may also note that you should ALWAYS read the description given on the right part of the screen, as it helps you understand better what you’re really ordering. Each service has a descriptive paragraph dedicated to it so the user understands exactly what they are spending their money on.”

      Now, proceed to paste your Spotify link in the section below the Services. You can easily do that using CTRL+C for copy and CTRL+V for paste (for desktop users).

      For mobile users, Spotify provides a ‘copy link‘ feature, so it makes your work easier.

      Once you do that, type in the amount of plays you want to order, this can range from one thousand to one billion. This will then calculate the exact price you have to pay for the order. Pretty cool so far, right?

      Press submit, and it is done! You can later track how your order behaves in the Orders Section.

      If you encounter any difficulties, Spotify Panel provides a Live Chat. Just type in your ID Order, and one of their employees will usually respond within 15 minutes.

      A last cool feature I would like to highlight is the royalties calculator, found under the orders tab.

      This feature allows you to calculate how much money your streams are going to make you, ahead of time.

      1. Type in the amount of streams you just bought.

      2. Then on the next line, where it says ‘’Your Royalties Share’’, type 100, because you own 100% of the streams.

      3. Choose where you bought the streams to be from (yes, you can select the country where you want your streams to be from), for example, the United States.

      4. Now, click the ‘’Calculate’’ button, and it should calculate the sum of money you’ll be making on your streams.

      In addition, they’ve got this really cool calculator on the main page that lets you see how much you have to pay for a specific amount.

      Let me demonstrate so you guys don’t waste any time testing it yourselves.

      See this thing right here? I explained it once, I’m going to do that again ‘in a nutshell.’

      1. Select the category, for instance, ‘Spotify Plays.’
      2. Move on to service. I chose ‘Spotify Global Plays.’
      3. Now just move the little green ball, with your mouse, until you reach the desired quantity. As the quantity grows, the price does as well (cheap if you ask me).

      Spotify Panel has been very careful with its services, and it shows that they are specialized in the music industry. You can’t make something like this up; they really are professionals helping us, the music creators, get better and better and innovate.

      Pros and cons of Spotify Panel


      My personal Opinion!

      At the end of the day, some may say it is cheating. When you’re growing your audience organically, they are not original, authentic. With SpotifyPanel, you won’t get recognized on the street, people won’t follow your socials, they won’t really know your music more.

      The harsh truth is that Spotify Panel is great, but also an unethical way of introducing yourself into the Music World.

      But hey, even the world’s best athletes need enhancements from time to time! Maybe this tool can help you get that push that you always needed, and from then on, go win. Make the music you always wanted to create.


      Now that you know the story of Spotify Panel, who created it, who designed it, how to place an order, and we’ve seen the pros and cons of the app, let’s see what the internet says, shall we? I hope you’re buckled up because it is going to be a fun ride through people’s thoughts and opinions, some good, some bad, some happy, some frustrating.

      The app has an overall rating of 3.3/5, which in my opinion is not even that bad considering people are saying everything these days, and people usually just leave bad reviews. Out of 5, 3.3 is a fair score for a business of this type.

      Of course, we can’t have something with positive reviews only. The review puts emphasis on the fact that the streams DO drop some days later.

      That may just be the competition trying to ruin them through bad reviews, if you ask me, as I did not experience drops. However, it could also be that at that time, the service had some issue.

      Every good thing has bad reviews, it’s the way of the world. You don’t have to believe the reviews though, just try the app yourself with a little amount of money you’d be comfortable losing, practically gambling, and see for yourself if it’s real. My experience was good, so I think you will have a good time too.

      You can even use it on another Spotify account to test it, just to make sure it doesn’t mysteriously disappear.

      Results of my testing

      I tested Spotify Panel myself, and I am going to go over what I discovered, how the tool behaved for me, if I am satisfied with their app or not.

      The delivery was quick, almost instant. I ordered 50 thousand units, and they arrived within an hour.

      I haven’t experienced any drops after time. Watching the reviews, I was a little skeptical, scared, if I may, that the streams will just vanish after some time. They didn’t.

      Note that I won’t reveal my profile for proof since I don’t want Spotify to find out or something.

      Overall, I was satisfied. As I keep mentioning, their prices are just too low.


      The prices vary depending on the type of service you choose. I may break down some of the prices for you:

      Note that the prices are for 1000 units.

      • Spotify Plays [Global] $0.18 per 1000 Plays Min. order 5000 Max. order 5000000

      • Spotify Fake Editorial Playlist Plays $1.90 per 1000 Plays Min. order 5000 Max. order 5000000


      For support, they provide a live chat, 24/7 found on the bottom left corner. You should find a little chat bubble emoticon. Click that. It should open the chat for you, formatted like a typical chat.

      Their response time rate is 0 to 30 minutes.

      I’ve contacted them a few times and the response time differed. One time they replied within 10 minutes, other times earlier, other times sooner. They were very nice and cooperative, ready to get to the bottom of the problem.

      Their live agents have the expertise necessary to solve any issue you have in a couple of minutes.

      You can email them if you prefer the old-fashioned method. They usually reply there pretty quickly too, depending on the time of day. Just use this email address and tell them your problem.

      [email protected]

      Analysis of Spotify Promotion Services

      Now, I’ve done some research, thoroughly, on the competition. Can’t just go with the first choice all the time, right? Gotta investigate. So I did just that, and I would like to share with you what I found.

      I don’t wanna give names, so we’ll keep it undercover.

      I tried three of them so far, curious what I found?

      One of them has cheap streams, like insanely cheap, but the delivery is very slow. The amount I bought arrived after 14 days and they disappeared within 7 days. Mockery.

      The second one is a complete scam completely, you don’t even get the amount you paid for. You can ignore me, go buy despite me already telling you there are no other good options.

      And finally, the third one I’ve tried is very expensive. It just isn’t worth it to pay millions for a few bucks, figuratively speaking, of course.

      Compared to other softwares, other companies that do this type of Spotify promotion, SpotifyPanel are the best that I have tried and reviewed. Untraceable, I don’t even want to hear you guys say your account got closed or banned. It doesn’t happen.


      That’s it! My conclusion is that if you are a new upcoming artist, an underground artist trying to make yourself known, an independent artist barely making any streams, you found your trick.

      Spotify Panel is one of the cheapest and best tools out there in order to cut some corners in the music industry. Spotify Panel makes musicians’ life so much easier for such a low price compared to the value it gives. 

      This article was dedicated towards hustlers, like myself, like yourself, that can’t quite make their music talent visible.

      If we’re talking value, then Spotify Panel is the best value for cost in their niche. You are literally paying PENNIES for the streams that will triple the money you invested within a couple of weeks, once the algorithm is set in place, so, ultimately, it’s an investment in yourself.

      I give Spotify Panel a 5/5 rating, as it helped me and a lot of upcomers achieve their desired fanbase. They are not just an app, they are a team. United, set with only one goal. Helping the music artist community grow and blossom.

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