Last Updated: May 1, 2024

The 5 Best AI Article Writers in 2023 (1-click article generation)

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    Fact Checked

    100% human content The content of this article was entirely researched, written and reviewed by humans, to ensure accurate and exclusive information. No AI writing tools were used.

    Writing an article, depending on a number of factors such as length and topic, can take from a minimum of 30 minutes to many hours. 

    It is estimated that, on average, it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to write a 1000 words article.

    Because, writing is hard! It’s not just typing the words themselves, but how they fit together

    So, if you want to make sure that what you’re saying is engaging, grammatically correct and SEO-optimized – but without giving up too much of your time to achieve that –  then you’ll need some help. Either from a paid assistant…or from AI.

    Another thing worth thinking of, is that writing new and unique articles is critical in order to bring the readers back to your website on a regular basis, or to get more traffic. In such circumstances, AI Article generators come in handy and drastically reduce your time consumption.

    With great flexibility, an AI Writer can automatically generate human-readable articles for you. 

    And – depending on the tool – it’s also free from plagiarism, as it uses innovative algorithms to ensure originality and SEO-optimized formatting.

    The best part about these tools is that you don’t need any writing skills or programming knowledge to use them. You only need a few minutes – or better to say seconds – to get the work done correctly.

    But not all the AI Article Writers available on the market can perform as good as we need, and replace human quality. Also, among the very few good AI Writers, each of them comes with its Pros and Cons. So, how to find the BEST for your use case?

    We have reviewed in the past a lot of AI article generators. So in this post, we are building a set of the five best AI tools that can help in blogging and produce one-click articles, out of the 20+ that we reviewed so far.

    So without further ado, time to start the show!

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      AI article generators are part of the family of AI writing assistants. There are essentially two types of AI writing assistants: short-form, and long-form

      While the first one can serve a multitude of short text use cases (AD copy, product description, etc.) the latter mostly refers to a full article generation of 500 words or more. 

      Specifically, by AI writing generator or writer, we refer to a software that writes for you a full article by providing you with AI generated text. 

      The software does all the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to do anything manually, except giving your desired outcome inputs – such as the article’s title or keywords.

      How to choose the best one?

      Several factors should be considered while choosing the right AI article writer. And the good news, is that in our TOP 5 list we included the rating for each of these factors to help you decide. 

      We included nine features which we believe are part of the overall quality of an AI article writer product. Let’s have a look at them (not in order):

      1) Pricing plan

      You must know that each program has different pricing plans. Some offer an unlimited number of articles, while others restrict you to a certain number of articles or words per month. Also, first tier plans may range from just 10 bucks to over 50 bucks. 

      2) AI Writing use cases

      Some AI article writers have just a long-form feature, while others include also several short-form tools. While it sounds tempting, we noticed that usually these tools don’t excel in neither of them. Therefore, you should focus on your main use case, such as article generation.

      3) Editor features (if any)

      Some programs allow you to add images, videos, links, tables, etc, or to use AI again on the given output to expand it or change its tone. Others only support plain text editor, while others don’t have a built-in editor at all. To edit the output, you need to download the generated article and do it somewhere else.

      4) User Interface

      This is another essential factor that must be considered before buying an AI article writer. A good UI allows you to navigate the interface and find the required features easily, by reducing time. After all, an important reason why we use AI writers is to save time.

      5) Support

      If you face any issues while using the software, you must be able to contact the customer service team. This way, you can resolve your queries within a short span of time. Also, a reliable support also means a tool that is backed up by a team who is trying to constantly help its customers and improve its product. 

      6) Updates

      There is no perfect AI writer, but what makes an AI writer more and more accurate, are updates based on user suggestions and bug reports. Regular updates are crucial for the success and quality of an AI writer. A few tricks to see if an AI writer gets regularly updated, is to check for a roadmap, see if there are feedback or report buttons, and a prompt customer support.

      7) Article generation speed

      While AI writing assistants are generally fast, there are still differences between them in terms of generation speed. This is especially true when it comes to long-form (articles) generation, as they require more words. Please note that we are not talking about huge differences, as no tool will ever take more than a couple of minutes to generate your article. On the other hand, though, some tools really take just a few seconds. And not having to browse other tabs while waiting for the output to be generated, can be a plus.

      8) Quality

      Quality is always better than quantity. That means you should buy a product that generates high-quality articles rather than spending money on cheap products. The problem with the latter is not just quality, but also plagiarism, which might make it more difficult to index your AI generated content.

      9) Additional features

      AI writers can go beyond creating just a simple article, and each tool on the market has its own features. Some of them will generate subheadings, and others have the option to include relevant images or videos. And what about those that allow you to decide the tone of the article, be it professional or passionate? These are definitely factors that contribute to finding the best AI writer for you, and will also depend on what your needs are.


      So now that you know everything about AI article writers, it’s time to see the list of the top 5 best AI article writing tools. Ready?

      Top 5 Best AI Writing Assistants

      After trying several of them in recent years, we compiled a list of our top 5 favorites, which are given below.

      1. Wordplay  – [Quick review] – [Website]
      2. Article Forge – [Quick review] – [Website]
      3. CopyMatic – [Quick review] – [Website]
      4. Texta AI – [Quick review]
      5. Article Ninja – [Quick review]

      1) Wordplay 🥇

      With its SEO optimization and lack of plagiarism, Wordplay AI our top pick for AI generated articles that are meant to be published your blog and indexed – if not even ranked – by search engines.

      It facilitates the rapid production of high-quality, extended-form blog entries in as little as five to ten seconds per article.

      We can rely on their AI to handle all of our word playing for us. Simply provide the title, and that’s it.


      • With just one click, you can automatically generate quality content that is 1000+ words longer
      • Using the Bulk Creator or multiple lines, you can quickly make several articles
      • The quality is great in most of generated articles
      • Plugin for WordPress integration


      There are currently three options available: Wordplay AI doesn’t have a Free Plan option, though they have 100% money-back if you stay below a certain quota. Check out its pricing plan below!

      If you wish to learn more about Wordplay, you can read our full wordplay review and demo video. Else, click the button below and start producing content!

      2) Article Forge 🥈

      Article Forge was launched in 2013 and can also produce entire articles on your behalf. You only need to enter the keywords, and around 60 seconds later, you will have content that has been “freshly baked.”

      It makes use of complex algorithms to continually provide you with fresh content. The articles are not only phrased appropriately and organized sensibly; they also avoid being flagged as plagiarised by Copyscape and other software.

      It also includes some features that many article generators lack, such as the possibility to automatically include image, video and links inside the article.

      We have used this tool over the course of many years, and trust us, it’s a safe go-to option. 


      • Articles are augmented by media (videos, photos, external links, etc.)
      • Make as many posts as you like.
      • Compatible with WordAi integration
      • The opportunity to try it out first is available (trial version).
      • When using WordPress, you can set up a publishing schedule and have posts go up at predetermined times.
      • Very simple to use

      Article ForgePricing

      Article Forge offers three pricing bundles. This is great since you can pick the proper plan for your content writing needs.

      Also, a free 5-day trial lets you test the product and ensure it matches your needs, which is one of the best free trials available for AI article generators on the market. Check out its pricing plan below screengrab!

      You may read our comprehensive review of Article Forge if you’re interested in learning more. If you don’t want to wait any longer to start writing, click the button below.

      3) CopyMatic 🥉 is a piece of software that – among its features – can assist you in writing blog articles in a matter of seconds. It employs artificial intelligence to generate material for your blog, relieving you of the responsibility of performing any laborious tasks.

      It is simple to use: all you have to do is choose the topic that you wish to write about, and Copymatic will instantly produce five potential blog post ideas for you, each of which comes with a title, a structure, and a sample of the text that you should write. After that, you may select the one that would appeal to your audience the most and let Copymatic quickly generate the article for you. 

      On top of that, Copymatic also has several short-form writing assistants tools that you can use for other purposes.


      • Generate articles in seconds
      • Top-Notch copies
      • Budget-Friendly pricing
      • 70+ Content templates
      • 25+ Languages supported


      As per pricing, multiple tiers are available; two billing options are available, which are monthly and annual. The latter will give you around 30% discount.

      • Starter – $29 per month and $19 per month
      • Pro – $49 per month and $32 per month
      Check the Copymatic pricing given below!

      If you’re interested in learning more about Copymatic, you can do so by reading our in-depth review. If you can’t stand to put off your writing any longer, use the button down below.

      4) Texta AI is another tool which can produce high-quality articles for you, and, just like Copymatic, it also offers short-form writing tools. 

      Hence, you can create content for your blog, emails, ads, and social media with little effort with

      In addition to English and German, this content-generation tool provides Spanish and French support.

      When it comes to its long-form (article generation) feature, Texta can produce plagiarism-free content in a matter of seconds and allows you to twitch different settings of your article output, such as length or tonality.


      • User-friendly and simple
      • Training support
      • Copywriting tools (50+).
      • 25+ Languages
      • Free trial, quite affordable
      • Multi-style writing

      Texta AIPricing

      Texta has three pricing tiers, which are bulleted below for your convenience.

      • Starter- Starts at $25 per month and $10 per month for an annual subscription.
      • Pro Max- Starts at $49 per month and $17 per month for a yearly subscription.
      • Pro Max Plus- Starts at $79 per month and $29 per month for an annual subscription.

      If you choose an annual pricing plan, you get a 50% discount on your monthly charges.

      So, if you go with Pro Max or Pro Max Plus, you will save a significant amount of money.

      Check out its pricing plan on the below screengrab!

      5) Article Ninja

      ArticleNinja is a content generation program that can automatically produce articles for your blog, social media, advertisements, and other purposes. 

      It also provides a range of templates and features that can be customized, and it is simple to use; getting started does not require any prior training or expertise.

      With its straightforward and intuitive user interface, you may quickly write unique, interesting articles on a wide variety of subjects in a short amount of time.

      Each item takes fewer than five seconds, but the results are good and most users can compose in their mother tongue as well, since Article Ninja is offered in a number of different languages. 

      It comes with an integrated keyword tool that assists you in finding the appropriate keywords to target for search engine optimization.


      • Easy to use
      • Generates unique content
      • All-in-one solution
      • Superfast content generation
      • Has a Free trial period

      Article NinjaPricing

      Article Ninja has three paid plans, namely,

      • Basic
      • Professional
      • Agency

      Check out its pricing plan on the below screengrab!

      Bottom Line

      Which AI Writing assistant should I choose?

      There are many writing assistants available online today. However, some of these programs are more effective than others. 

      We recommend using Wordplay as your first choice when looking for an AI writing assistant. It is easy to use, offers a large selection of templates, and generates high-quality content, and gets updated constantly. Additionally, it allows you to create content in multiple languages.

      Our second pick is Article Forge, unlimited article generation is possible. 

      The third pick will be Copymatic, another excellent program producing high-quality content. It is one of the most popular tools among writers who need to churn out fresh content regularly. It is a powerful tool capable of producing thousands of words per run and supports over 20 languages. It also includes a plethora of short-form writing tools, along one-click article generation.

      The final picks are Article Ninja and Texta. These are cheaper options, with many tools and which can generate articles in seconds. In our experience though, when it comes to article generation, the quality is not as good as other tools, hence it works best if you just need cheap and fast content for link building purposes.

      • Wordplay – Best for quality.
      • Article Forge – Best for customization features.
      • Copymatic – Best for all-in-one writing tools.
      • Texta – Cheaper all-in-one option.
      • Article Ninja – Best for cheap and bulk article generation.
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