Last Updated: May 13, 2024

Can I use AI art for commercial use? Everything you need to know!

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    SM90Andrew Morris

    Co-authored by

    Fact Checked

    100% human content The content of this article was entirely researched, written and reviewed by humans, to ensure accurate and exclusive information. No AI writing tools were used.

    In our modern world filled with technology, things are not just changing how we do our jobs; they’re also changing the very core of creating art.

    Imagine stepping into a new time of art called AI-generated art. It’s like a big, revolutionary wave that’s completely changing how we think about being creative.

    If you’re into tech stuff, you’ve probably heard of or tried using AI tools to make your own art, right?

    But, Have you ever thought that the art that you have made using the AI just for fun actually help you make money. Have you ever thought how can you use AI art for commercial use?

    Yes, the AI-generated art you’ve created has the potential to be used for commercial purposes. Exciting, right?

    Hello and welcome once again to SocialMarketing90 to explore our yet another interesting article on AI.

    In this article, we will discuss how AI art is used for commercial purposes. We will explore the topics of copyrights, licenses, and fair use. We will also consider ethical considerations when using AI art. Furthermore, we will examine the growing market for AI-generated creations.

    We’ll explore how to use AI art for commercial uses, see art in a fresh way, leverage the power of AI, and make your brand extra awesome.

    Ready to turn your ideas into something incredible for commercial success?

    Let’s do it!”

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      AI Art Copyright and Ownership

      Understanding the ownership of AI-generated art can feel like solving a complex puzzle that involves both human and machines. Let’s check out the rules and find out who’s involved in this interesting area.

      Laws about owning AI art are changing because AI is redefining what art means. While we don’t have all the answers yet, some general ideas are starting to show up.

      Why Copyright Registration and Licensing Matter?

      To keep your AI art safe, learn about the law, know the people involved, prevent problems, and use legal solutions.

      This way, you can enjoy creating AI art and make sure no one steals your creative work. In the world of AI art, knowing your rights is as important as creating something amazing.

      Parties Involve in AI Art Creation

      In the world of AI art, several parties might say they own the art:

      • The Artist: The person with the creative vision and instructions guiding the AI system.
      • The Coder: The software developer developing the algorithms and software to make the AI system creates art.
      • The Company: The owner of the AI system claiming ownership based on their intellectual property rights.

      Protecting Your AI Art through Copyright

      As you start your AI art journey, it’s essential to keep your art safe from unauthorized use. 

      Let’s explore ways to prevent problems and understand what the law can do to help.

      It’s always better to stop problems before they happen. Here are some ways to prevent others from using your AI art without permission:

      • Watermarking: Adding your name or copyright info to your AI art to show it’s yours.
      • Creative Commons: Using these licenses to say how others can use your art in a way that’s free and easy.
      • Copyright Registration: Making your ownership official by registering your AI art with the United States Copyright Office (USCO).
      • Licensing: Tells others how they can use your art and makes sure you get something in return.

      If someone copies your AI art, here’s what you can do:

      • Injunction: Asking a court to stop someone from using your art.
      • Damages: Getting money for any losses because of the copying.
      •  Criminal Penalties: In some cases, copying might be against the law.

      Can You Get in Trouble for Using AI Art for Commercial Purpose?

      Now that you’re familiar with ownership, copyrighting, and licensing aspects for your AI-generated art, let’s explore what happens if you unintentionally or intentionally use AI art for commercial purposes.

      As you dive into the world of AI art for commercial use, it’s normal to worry about legal issues. 

      Let’s talk about the law, clear up some concerns, and help you feel more confident in this new territory.

      While using AI Art for commercial purpose some questions might arise in your mind such as:

      Can Somebody Sue You?

      Yes, it’s possible to be sued for copyright infringement, trademark issues, or privacy breaches related to your use of AI art. But it depends on few things like how serious is the problem and how you deal with situation.

      So, Can You Go to Jail for Using the AI Art for Commercial Use?

      For really serious cases of breaking copyright, trademark, or privacy laws with AI art, criminal charges could happen. 

      But don’t worry too much; this is rare and usually only for big, intentional actions that cause a lot of harm.

      So, understanding the rules can be your key to navigating the world of AI art without unnecessary fears.

      To enhance your confidence in using AI art for commercial use, seek advice from a legal professional specializing in intellectual property. They can provide valuable guidance tailored to your specific needs.

      How to Sell AI Art Without Copyright Issues?

      Can you sell AI art without getting into trouble with copyright? 

      Absolutely! Let’s have a quick look at it.

      To use AI Art to make money involves understanding a few things about copyright, licenses, and ethics:

      1. Know About Copyright: If you made the AI art, you have certain rights. It’s like owning a cool toy – you get to say who can play with it!
      2. Use Licenses: Think of licenses as rules for how others can use your art. By setting these rules, you’re making sure your art is used in the way you want.
      3. Be Ethical: As you sell your AI art, be open about how the AI helped. It’s like telling your friends the secret ingredient in your special recipe – it builds trust!

      Strategies to Sell AI Art

      Now, let’s talk about some smart strategies for selling your AI art without any copyright issues:

      1. Make Original Art: Create AI art that stands out. This makes your art special and reduces the chances of others copying it.
      2. Tell Your Story: Share with buyers how the AI played a part in making your art. It’s like telling them the story behind your creation – people love to know!
      3. Limited Editions: Create limited editions of your AI art to make it exclusive.
      4. Join trusted AI Art Platforms: These platforms often have built-in protections and can be like a safe marketplace for your art.
      5. Get Some Legal Advice: If you’re feeling unsure, chat with a legal expert who knows about these things. They can help you understand the rules.

      How Much Money You Make Selling AI Art?

      The income from selling AI-generated art varies based on factors like your talent, marketing skills, and the demand for your work. 

      Here’s a breakdown:

      Factors Influencing Your Earnings

      1. Your Talent and Creativity
        • Unique and appealing artwork attracts more buyers.
        • Continuous improvement in skills enhances your art’s value.
      2. Marketing Expertise
        • Effective strategies on social media and online platforms boost sales.
        • Understanding market trends helps target the right audience.
      3. Demand and Market Trends
        • Adapting to current trends aligns your creations with market needs.
        • Staying informed ensures your art remains relevant.

      Ways to Monetize AI Art

      1. Print-on-Demand Services
        • Platforms like Redbubble and Society6 offer a range of products.
        • Upload designs, earn money on sales with no upfront costs.
      2. NFTs and Digital Art Marketplaces
        • Mint and sell AI art NFTs on platforms like OpenSea and Rarible.
        • Gain recognition in the growing NFT market.
      3. Direct Commissions and Collaborations
        • Custom pieces for clients or brand collaborations offer lucrative opportunities.
        • Networking and showcasing work attract potential commissions.
      4. Teaching and Tutorials
        • Share expertise through online tutorials, workshops, or courses.
        • Generate income while expanding reach and reputation.

      Realistic Expectations

      • Gradual Process: Financial success often comes gradually.
      • Dedication: Consistent effort and dedication are key.
      • Strategic Marketing: Building a sustainable career involves strategic marketing.

      Where Can You Sell Your AI Art?

      Have this question in mind? Don’t worry, check out these platforms:

      1. Artsi: A global community with no fees.
      2. Wirestock: High standards and competitive earnings.
      3. Fy!: Hassle-free logistics and global reach.
      4. Adobe Stock: Vast audience and competitive rates.
      5. Redbubble: Turn your art into various products.
      6. Selling on Freelance Sites: Upwork and Fiverr
      7. Selling on Social Media: Instagram, Twitter, ArtStation etc.

      Want to know more on this?

      (Read more in our detailed article: “Where can I sell AI art? The best (legal) marketplaces to sell AI art.”)

      Success in selling AI art extends beyond immediate gains. Establishing a reputation, building a community, and making a lasting impact are vital. 

      It’s not just about money; it’s about creating an artistic identity and contributing to the evolving landscape of AI art.

      How Can You Create An AI Art?

      So, here are the big questions how can you create your AI Art for commercial purpose? What are the free AI Art generators to use to create an amazing art? 

      Not to worry, to use AI art for commercial use we’ve found a few AI art generators for you that you can check below.

      Free AI Art Generators

      • Deep Dream Generator: Deep Dream Generator employs neural networks to create dreamlike visuals from your photos. It utilizes deep learning algorithms to enhance patterns and generate surreal, artistic results. 
        The platform offers a variety of filters and styles, allowing users to experiment and craft unique AI-generated artwork with ease.
      • Artbreeder: Artbreeder is a dynamic platform that empowers users to create and explore images generated by AI. It operates on the concept of blending different images to produce entirely new and customizable visuals. 
        Users can fine-tune elements such as color, shape, and style, providing a high level of control over the creative process.
      • DALL-E 2: Inspired by OpenAI’s DALL-E, DALL-E 2 is an AI art generator that transforms textual prompts into vivid images. Users input descriptions, and the AI interprets and brings them to life visually. 
        This tool is particularly exciting for its ability to turn text into imaginative and visually stunning artworks.
      • NightCafe Creator: NightCafe Creator stands out as an AI art generator specializing in dreamy landscapes and scenes. 
        You can try out different themes and settings to make AI art that looks special, like something from a dream or a quiet nighttime vibe.
      • utilizes neural networks to transform photos into artwork inspired by famous artists and styles. 
        Users can choose from a variety of art styles, and the AI adapts the input images to reflect the characteristics of renowned painters.
        This tool brings an artistic touch to ordinary photos, turning them into visually appealing artworks that can be for commercial purposes.

      Popular AI-Powered Image Editing Tools

      • Canva: Canva, a popular design platform, has integrated AI features to simplify the design process. 

        Notable features include AI background removal, allowing users to effortlessly remove backgrounds from images with precision.
        Additionally, Canva offers an AI image upscaler to enhance image resolution, resulting in sharper and more detailed visuals.
      • Adobe Firefly: Adobe Firefly is a creative tool from Adobe that utilizes AI to enhance text effects.
        It features an AI text-to-effect generator, allowing users to convert text into captivating visual effects.
        The tool also provides AI-powered font pairing for discovering the perfect font combinations and AI-enhanced color harmonies for creating visually appealing and balanced designs.
      • Pixlr: Pixlr, a versatile image editing tool, incorporates several AI-powered features to streamline the editing process. 
        Notable features include AI smart selection, enabling users to select specific areas of images with precision.
        Additionally, Pixlr offers an AI background remover and AI-based upscaling and noise reduction tools to enhance the overall quality of images.

      These tools give you lots of choices to make amazing art! You can use free AI art generators for unique creations, and there are also big platforms that use AI to make designs even better and use this AI art for commercial use

      Whether you want to make dreamy landscapes or fancy text effects, these tools have something for everyone’s creative style.

      But Wait, There’s More!!

      Not only the above-mentioned AI art generators or AI-powered image editors, but you can also use them to create your AI art that you can use for commercial purposes. 

      There are many AI content generators that not only generate text-based content but also provide services to create images from text prompts.

      Here are some AI content generator tools that can provide services to generate AI images:

      • is an AI content generator that not only generates text-based content but also provides services to create images from text prompts.

        It utilizes AI technology to transform textual descriptions into visually appealing and unique artworks.
        Check this out: Review
      • Jasper: Jasper is a versatile AI writing tool that can generate images to complement your written content. It offers customization options, allowing you to tailor the visuals to match your brand or aesthetic.
      • is a popular AI copywriting tool that also includes image generation features. It caters to businesses of all sizes, providing an efficient solution for creating both text and visual content.
      • Rytr: Rytr is an affordable and user-friendly AI writing tool that can generate images alongside text. It is known for its ease of use, making it accessible for various users.

      These tools provide a range of options for content creators looking to generate AI art using AI for commercial use.


      As we finish exploring the world of AI-made art and how we can use AI art for commercial use, it feels like we’ve been on a super exciting journey together. AI art isn’t just a cool new way to make art—it’s like a super strong wave changing how we think about making art and how we can make a living doing what we love.

      During this article, we talked about things like copyright, ownership, and being ethical. It’s like learning how to use a shield to keep our art safe from being used by others without our permission. 

      We found out that knowing our rights and using tools like putting our name on our art, using special licenses, officially saying it’s ours, and making agreements are not just rules, but really important things to do to keep our art ours.

      When we looked at selling our AI art, we learned some tricks to do it without any problems with copyright. It’s not just about making cool and special art; it’s also about telling the story behind our art to the people who might buy it. 

      We also found some places like Redbubble and Adobe Stock where people from all around the world can see and buy our art, turning our hobby into a job that lasts.

      In the world of AI art, we not only used the cool tools but also learned how to balance making awesome art and use this AI art for commercial purpose. As we stand at the crossroads of art and opportunity, there are so many things we can do. 

      So, fellow creators, let’s keep telling our stories, painting our dreams, and using the magic of AI art not just to make, but also to succeed in the world of making money with our art. 

      Let’s turn our art into a big success story together.

      AI Art for Commercial Use: FAQs

      Q1: What’s AI art and why is it popular?

      AI art, short for Artificial Intelligence-generated art, is a cool mix of fancy tech and creative fun. People love it because artists can turn their AI art into cash by trying out new and smart ways to make art that sells.

      Q2: Can I use AI Art for Commercial use?

      Absolutely! You can earn money by selling your AI art in different ways. Sell prints, work with cool brands, and try out other tricks to turn your art hobby into a money-making adventure.

      Q3: How can I make sure only I use my AI art and stop others from copying it?

      To keep your AI art safe, add your name or a special mark to it (like putting a label on your toys). Use licenses to set rules for others, and make it official by registering your art with the United States Copyright Office (USCO). These steps help make sure only you get to use your awesome AI creations.

      Q4: What can I do if someone copies and uses my AI art without asking?

      If someone copies your AI art without permission, you can take a legal action to stop them. You can also ask for money to make up for any problems caused by the copying. In serious cases, the person copying might even get in trouble with the law.

      Q5: Is it okay to use AI art to make money, or could I get into trouble?

      Using AI art for cash is okay if you follow the rules. Learn about copyright laws and talk to experts if you’re unsure. It’s like learning the dos and don’ts so you can feel confident in your AI art adventure.

      Q6: How can I sell my AI art without any copyright issues?

      Selling AI art is about knowing your rights, using licenses to set rules, telling people how AI helped, creating cool and unique art, and choosing good platforms like Artsi, Wirestock, and Adobe Stock. These steps help you avoid problems and sell your art with confidence.

      Q7: How much money can I make by selling AI art, and what things affect my earnings?

      Your AI art money depends on how awesome your art is, how well you tell its story, and if people want to buy it. Being creative, smart in marketing, and keeping an eye on what people like are key to making good money.

      Q9: Where can I sell my AI art for money?

      Check out cool places like Artsi, Wirestock, Fy!, Adobe Stock, Redbubble, Upwork, Fiverr, Instagram, and Twitter. These platforms help you show off and sell your AI art to people all around the world.

      Q10: What tools can I use to create AI art for commercial use?

      Creating AI art for commercial use is fun with tools like Deep Dream Generator, Artbreeder, DALL-E 2, NightCafe Creator, and You can also use AI tools like Canva, Adobe Firefly, and Pixlr to make your art even cooler.

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