Last Updated: April 29, 2024

25 Interesting YouTube Statistics For Marketers, 2025

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    Officially, YouTube is 19 years old now! 

    The platform shapes itself at a consistent pace and improves in all aspects. As time pass, YouTube becomes faster and stronger

    And larger in usage. From elder to younger people, everyone uses YouTube. Everyone needs information, training, or simply some free entertaining videos quickly accessible. 

    All these reasons shaped over the years its tremendous amount of popularity. So in this article, expect everything about the YouTube statistics in 2025. 

    Without further ado, let’s start the statistics hunting!

    YouTube User Statistics

    The first thing that comes to your mind when you think about YouTube is videos. Yes, it’s true. But what is used as benchmark of a platform’s health and popularity, it’s their users. Let’s start by having a look at some user stats and facts!

    1. More than 2.5 billion unique monthly uses

    This number is not only impressive, but also a record. In fact, in 2022 the total number of active users has increased from 1.9 billion to 2.5 billion compared to last year. That means the growth rate is on a massive 10% per year.

    2. Over one billion hours are watched every day

    This number is awe-inspiring. If we talk about the average user, then he/she watches around 3-4 hours daily. However, if we consider the total number of hours watched, then it goes up to approximately 7.5 billion hours. So the average time spent daily is approximately 18 minutes.

    3. About 54% of the YouTube users are Male

    According to Statista, 54% of users are male globally. This is because topics like sports or comedy are very popular but have a larger audience in males. That being said, considering the world population is made of nearly 52% males, the difference is not that much.

    4. In the United States, 62% of users use YouTube every day

    In the USA, YouTube is used by 62% of the population on a regular basis. It shows how much a social video site and videos are part of our life. According to reports, some visit the site multiple times per day

    In the United States, we could also say that pretty much everyone is using YouTube. In fact, 92% of American users claim to access the platform at least once per week, and 98% claim they do so monthly.

    5. Almost 99% of YouTube Users are having Social media accounts

    Yes, this is another interesting stat. Almost 99% of YouTube users have other social media account like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or other. 

    You might wonder what happened to that 1% of people! That 1% of people belong to the 16 or 64 age group, and they are usually new to the platform. So, give them a few months, and they will likely be part of the 99% share!

    6) People Watch X4 times of videos on YouTube

    People watch almost four times as many videos on YouTube as they do on social platforms that aren’t as focused on videos. This comes with no surprise as YouTube it is a video platform but, at the same time, shows how YouTube is dominating when it comes to online video reach.

    YouTube Usage Statistics

    Now, let’s move toward the usage stats. Here are some of the facts that will blow your mind.

    7. Around 60% of active users watch at least two hours of videos each day

    Between the most active (daily) users, 60% of them really love YouTube. In fact, they spend 2 or more hours per day on the video platform. 

    However, if we take into consideration users active on a monthly basis, the average time spent on YouTube is 18 minutes per day.

    8. YouTube ranks as the 2nd-most popular website.

    YouTube is the second most visited website on the internet after Google, with over 14 billion visits per month. YouTube is also the third most searched term on Google, and the second most popular Search engine after Google.

    9. YouTube streams around 694,000 hours worth of video every minute

    Apparently, it’s higher than Netflix. In fact, Netflix streams only 452,000 hours of video, while YouTube streams 694,000 hours of video every 60 seconds.

    10. 81% of Internet Users are using YouTube

    This basically means that nearly everyone is doing so. Me, you, your neighbors. For this reason, if you are a business, it’s worthwhile to be present on one of the most important digital hubs around the globe!

    11. Almost 3/4 of all adults have watched YouTube on their mobile devices while relaxing in their own homes.

    YouTube’s majority of viewers are viewing videos on their mobiles, compared to PCs. The ideal reason is the comforts and the strive for knowledge while in leisure time.  In other words, It’s crucial for marketers, that they should ensure their content is completely optimized for viewing on all devices.

    12. YouTube users save an average of more than 900 years of video per day by watching the videos at High speed!

    YouTube has a feature to speed-up playback speed up to 2.5x. And many users actually make use of it. 900 years of video time per day are saved by using this feature.

    900 years? This would be equivalent to watching famous PSY’s “Gangnam Style” nearly 113,000,000 (113 billion) times!

    13. The average user watches 3 minutes of video before hitting the back button

    With all those available videos, we find ourselves often changing from one video to the next. The average user spends just three minutes watching a specific video before clicking away from the video.

    14. There are more than 500 hours of videos uploaded to YouTube every minute

    Every minute, users upload 500 hours of video to YouTube. This amounts to 30 hours of footage being uploaded every minute. Additionally, 720,000 hours of video are added to YouTube daily. Wow. When put in context like this, an hour’s worth of YouTube uploads would take you close to 82 years to watch. In YouTube terms, that’s an eternity.

    15. The average YouTube User watches 5 videos per day

    Sounds a lot, right? But to be honest, that’s not too shabby when you consider that the average adult watches 8 hours of television per day.

    16. More than half of the world’s population has watched a YouTube video

    We previously mentioned how YouTube is so popular and 98% of Americans use it at least once per month. Another proof to this is that more than half of the world’s population (3.4 billion) has viewed at least one YouTube video in their life.

    YouTube Statistics for business

    Let’s now look at the Business stats. Here are some stats and facts that will really surprise you.

    17. 92% of Internet users Watch some video online each week

    Before, we mentioned how 92% of American users use YouTube weekly. But video is a prevalent tool for entertainment, education, and communication worldwide. In fact, 91.9% (aged 16 to 64) of internet users report that they view some type of video content every week. And as we know, YouTube is the most popular video platform out there!

    Do you have a social media strategy that doesn’t include video? You’re leaving money on the table. Video marketing is the future of lead generation and sales. It’s time to get started.

    18. One-third of internet users viewed a tutorial videos this week, especially How-to videos!

    People look for a video to teach them. Having a step-by-step explanation with a live demo that shows how to do it, has no rival. Take that as an inspiration and create videos that explain how to use your product or how-to videos related to your niche.

    Gen Z* is especially fond of how-to videos, tutorials, and educational videos. In fact, 52.2% of Gen Z internet users watched videos in this category this week, and 53.5% of them were females.

    Other popular video content that young internet users enjoy is review and unboxing videos, gaming, and comedy.

    Gen Z refers to the generation that was born between 1997 and 2012. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media.

    19. 30% of those who use the internet say they watch at least one live video stream weekly

    Live-streaming is another form of video content which progressively raised in popularity over the recent years.

    Live video streaming is considered engaging, authentic, and unpredictable. The internet audience loves it, and 30% of them claim to watch at least 1 livestream per week.

    20. YouTube T.V. as YouTube Air!

    Due to the massive reach of YouTube T.V., the company will rename it YouTube Air soon. This means that YouTube T.V. will become the first ever paid subscription service on YouTube for television shows.

    YouTube Ad Statistics

    Let’s now look at the Advertisement stats. And some of these facts that will really surprise you. 

    These statistics come directly from Google Ads, which can be used to do video advertisement on YouTube (YouTube Ads).

    21. People spend about 2.6 seconds looking at an ad before deciding whether or not to click on it

    First impression matters. It takes less than 3 seconds for people to decide if they are interested in an Ad or not.

    While the topic of the advertisement plays a role, so do the creatives. Advertisers need to have their ads to stand out, and they need to pay attention to details like color, size, and targeting to increase ROI.

    22. About 90% of people who see an advertisement decide within 3 days if they want to purchase the advertised item

    This also means that you can see the results and ROI of your campaigns quite fast, and make the necessary changes. After 3 days, you can already get a quite accurate idea about your AD performance.

    23. YouTube Ads have a capacity to reach 2.56 Billion users

    YouTube’s potential reach is incredible, at over 2 billion. That’s 32% of the global population and 51% of all internet users. YouTube offers a huge number of eyes for those who are interested in paid marketing strategies.

    YouTube Ads can therefore be a great way to increase your reach, and it’s easy to scale your Ads thanks to the massive audience.

    24. India has YouTube’s greatest advertising audience 

    India is home to 467 million YouTube users and the country with the largest YouTube advertising audience. The U.S. comes in second place with 247 million reach. 

    25. In 2021, YouTube made USD 28 billion from ads worldwide

    This represents a 46% increase over the previous year, while we are waiting for the 2022 stats. 

    This shows how popular YouTube advertising is among businesses, and this is where your competition will likely invest their advertising dollars. It might be worth it if you are looking to establish a presence in that space.


    In conclusion, we have learned a lot about YouTube today. We all know that YouTube is the most popular platform for online videos, but today we got a deeper understanding of this platform’s amazing reach and its audience.

    We hope that you enjoyed our article on YouTube statistics. Still, if you are hunting for numbers to inform the statistics, then check out our other statistics articles

    Also, if you are thinking to run your first YouTube Ads or you want to optimize the existing ones, we created a list of the best tools for Graphic Design (including ready AD templates) and the best AI Writing Softwares (which include automated AI writing of Ad Copies).

    That’s a wrap, see you on the next article!

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