Last Updated: May 21, 2024

Is ChatGPT Plagiarism Free or Not? We Made Over 10 Tests To Find Out!

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    Sam Davies

    Co-authored by

    Fact Checked

    100% human content The content of this article was entirely researched, written and reviewed by humans, to ensure accurate and exclusive information. No AI writing tools were used.

    Almost 7.5 million blog posts are being published daily in 2024, which is equal to 0.0926% of the world’s population! That means keeping your content fresh and unique is more crucial than ever before! 

    AI writing assistants are becoming the need of the hour. Since ChatGPT became more popular, the blog post publishing rate has become high in quantity, but what about the quality?

    Is ChatGPT-generated content is plagiarism? Are those contents unique? 

    To ensure the accuracy of our findings, we conducted 10 comprehensive tests. These tests involved comparing ChatGPT-generated content with existing sources, checking for similarities, and assessing the content’s uniqueness. 

    Let’s see whether ChatGPT is plagiarism-free.

    Why does ChatGPT content seem like plagiarised content?

    It’s a well-known fact that OpenAI developed ChatGPT. What’s less known is that ChatGPT was trained on an extensive canon of text data, including books, programming languages, web pages, and more. This vast dataset, totalling nearly 45TB, provides ChatGPT with a wealth of information, giving it a unique perspective on any given topic.

    While ChatGPT doesn’t directly copy and paste information, it learns from existing sources to provide information. That means it may inadvertently use other writers’ ideas without giving proper credit, resembling a form of plagiarism. Additionally, the content it generates may closely resemble existing information, potentially leading to misunderstandings of plagiarism.

    So, is ChatGPT content plagiarism-free?

    Plagiarism goes beyond mere word-for-word copying. It encompasses various forms, including using ideas from other writers without proper credit and rephrasing text without citation. While ChatGPT aims to produce original content, there may be occasions where it inadvertently falls short or is misinterpreted.

    Will using ChatGPT content be considered as plagiarized content?

    The ongoing debate about whether AI-generated content can be considered plagiarism is complex. It’s important to understand that plagiarism typically involves using someone else’s work without giving them proper credit. However, the critical issue here is the requirement for originality. Original work should not only not be taken from someone else but also come from the individual producing it. This understanding can provide clarity amidst the debate.

    Consequently, some organizations recommend citing AI language models like ChatGPT as a source when using their generated content. For example, the APA suggests quoting and citing ChatGPT as one would with any other source, providing a specific citation format for ChatGPT texts. Using ChatGPT with a citation is one way to prevent plagiarism. However, prohibiting its use altogether is a more foolproof approach. Yet, in today’s technology-driven world, banning its use altogether may be unrealistic and an over-conservative approach, particularly for students who can benefit from such accessible and helpful tools.

    Similarly, by teaching students to navigate the ChatGPT easily, they can learn to use it responsibly and produce original work. This approach empowers students, offering them a tool to improve their learning experience and creativity.

    Plagiarism Tests

    Here are some of the tests we run on ChatGPT to check the quality of the content. Have a look at them:

    #Prompt 1

    Create a blog post about “How To Tell If A YouTube Channel Is Monetized?“. Write it in a “Professional” tone. Use transition words. Use active voice. Write over 1000 words. The blog post should be in a beginner’s guide style. Add a title and subtitle for each section. It should have a minimum of 6 sections. Include the following keywords: “Monetization status, YouTube button, Monetized videos, YouTube Partner Program, 1,000 subscribers, Ads, YouTube Studio“. Create a good slug for this post and a meta description with a maximum of 100 words. And add it to the end of the blog post.

    Here is the Output generated by ChatGPT:

    Plagiarism score on Grammarly 96% Unique
    Plagiarism score on 1Text 35.54%Unique
    Plagiarism score on Duplichecker 100% Unique

    #Prompt 2

    Create a blog post about “How To Buy Elementor Pro?“. Write it in a “Professional” tone. Use transition words. Use active voice. Write over 1000 words. Use very creative titles for the blog post. Add a title for each section. Ensure there are a minimum of 9 sections. Each section should have a minimum of two paragraphs. Include the keywords: “Elementor Pro purchase, Buy Elementor Pro license, Elementor Pro pricing, Upgrade to Elementor Pro, Elementor Pro subscription.

    Elementor Pro features, Elementor Pro payment.” Create a good slug for this post and a meta description of a maximum of 100 words, and add them to the end of the blog post.

    See what ChatGPT generated!

    Plagiarism score on Grammarly 98% Unique
    Plagiarism score on 1Text 58.18%Unique
    Plagiarism score on Duplichecker 100% Unique

    #Prompt 3

    Please take the following text and expand on it. It may be necessary to recreate the text more comprehensively. Text: {Short-form video content is the hottest marketing trend in Social Media Marketing. Nowadays, no one wants to spend more than a minute on a video. As per recent stats, 90% of internet traffic is expected to be directed towards short-form video content in 2024.}.

    Here is the ChatGPT output:

    Plagiarism score on Grammarly 96% Unique
    Plagiarism score on 1Text 35.92%Unique
    Plagiarism score on Duplichecker 100% Unique

    #Prompt 4

    Please make the following text easier to read: {Instagram is expected to have over 1.4 billion users in 2024. That means it is one of the most powerful tools to promote your brand. But it’s more challenging than you might think. Instagram’s algorithm acts wisely in distributing content based on user engagement. So, how can you beat the Instagram algorithm in 2024?}

    Check out the ChatGPT Output!

    Plagiarism score on Grammarly 96% Unique
    Plagiarism score on 1Text 35.92%Unique
    Plagiarism score on Duplichecker 100% Unique

    #Prompt 5

    Write a cross-over between a blog post and an inspirational story on “{Social Media and Teens}”. The story should be about a fictional character. Write it in a “{Engaging}” tone. Use transition words. Write over 1000 words. Use plain text. Do not use HTML code. Include the following keywords: “{Socialmedia, Instagram, YouTube, Teenagers, Facebook}”. Create a good slug for this post and a meta description with a maximum of 100 words. And add it to the end of the blog post.

    Let’s see what ChatGPT generated!

    Plagiarism score on Grammarly 96% Unique
    Plagiarism score on 1Text 35.92%Unique
    Plagiarism score on Duplichecker 100% Unique

    #Prompt 6

    Write a blog post on “{Top Pick Camera’s for YouTube}”. Write it in a “{Professional}” tone. Use transition words. Write over 1000 words. The blog post should be written as a news story. Include the following keywords: “{YouTube Camera’s, Sony, Panasonic Lumix, FujiFilm X}”. Create a good slug for this post and a meta description with a maximum of 100 words. And add it to the end of the blog post.

    Here is the ChatGPT reply:

    Plagiarism score on Grammarly 96% Unique
    Plagiarism score on 1Text 35.92%Unique
    Plagiarism score on Duplichecker 100% Unique

    #Prompt 7

    Write an article on the topic [Do Your Employees Require Screen Recording?]. The article should be at least [1000 Words] in length. Use a persuasive tone and pretend to be an expert on the topic.

    So, what did ChatGPT create? See the screenshot below!

    Plagiarism score on Grammarly 96% Unique
    Plagiarism score on 1Text 100%Unique
    Plagiarism score on Duplichecker 100% Unique

    #Prompt 8

    I want you to write a motivational blog post about overcoming [Fear of losing a loved one!]

    Here is the ChatGPT Output:

    Plagiarism score on Grammarly 96% Unique
    Plagiarism score on 1Text 93.5%Unique
    Plagiarism score on Duplichecker 100% Unique

    #Prompt 9

    Write an essay on the pros and cons of [Hiring SEO Virtual assistants!] in 1500 words.

    Check out the ChatGPT-generated content below:

    Plagiarism score on Grammarly 96% Unique
    Plagiarism score on 1Text 28.95%Unique
    Plagiarism score on Duplichecker 100% Unique

    #Prompt 10

    Build a reader persona for a blog post titled [How to make an SMM Panel Logo?].

    Let’s see the ChatGPT output!

    Plagiarism score on Grammarly 96% Unique
    Plagiarism score on 1Text 100%Unique
    Plagiarism score on Duplichecker 100% Unique

    Plagiarism Score comparison table (RECAP)

    Here is a quick recap of all the prompts we have used and checked the ChatGPT-generated content on different plagiarism tools.

    ChatGPT Plagiarism Comparison Table

    Prompts 1Text Duplichecker Grammarly
    Create a blog post about “How To Tell If A YouTube Channel Is Monetized?“. Write it in a “Professional” tone. Use transition words. Use active voice. Write over 1000 words. The blog post should be in a beginner’s guide style. Add a title and subtitle for each section. It should have a minimum of 6 sections. Include the following keywords: “Monetization status, YouTube button, Monetized videos, YouTube Partner Program, 1,000 subscribers, Ads, YouTube Studio“. Create a good slug for this post and a meta description with a maximum of 100 words. And add it to the end of the blog post. 35.54% 100% 96%
    Create a blog post about “How To Buy Elementor Pro?“. Write it in a “Professional” tone. Use transition words. Use active voice. Write over 1000 words. Use very creative titles for the blog post. Add a title for each section. Ensure there are a minimum of 9 sections. Each section should have a minimum of two paragraphs. Include the keywords: “Elementor Pro purchase, Buy Elementor Pro license, Elementor Pro pricing, Upgrade to Elementor Pro, Elementor Pro subscription. Elementor Pro features, Elementor Pro payment.” Create a good slug for this post and a meta description of a maximum of 100 words, and add them to the end of the blog post. 58.18% 100% 99%
    Please take the following text and expand on it. It may be necessary to recreate the text more comprehensively. Text: {Short-form video content is the hottest marketing trend in Social Media Marketing. Nowadays, no one wants to spend more than a minute on a video. As per recent stats, 90% of internet traffic is expected to be directed towards short-form video content in 2024.}. 38.91% 100% 100%
    Please make the following text easier to read: {Instagram is expected to have over 1.4 billion users in 2024. That means it is one of the most powerful tools to promote your brand. But it’s more challenging than you might think. Instagram’s algorithm acts wisely in distributing content based on user engagement. So, how can you beat the Instagram algorithm in 2024?} 100% 100% 99%
    Write a cross-over between a blog post and an inspirational story on “{Social Media and Teens}”. The story should be about a fictional character. Write it in a “{Engaging}” tone. Use transition words. Write over 1000 words. Use plain text. Do not use HTML code. Include the following keywords: “{Socialmedia, Instagram, YouTube, Teenagers, Facebook}”. Create a good slug for this post and a meta description with a maximum of 100 words. And add it to the end of the blog post. 20.33% 98% 96%
    Write a blog post on “{Top Pick Camera’s for YouTube}”. Write it in a “{Professional}” tone. Use transition words. Write over 1000 words. The blog post should be written as a news story. Include the following keywords: “{YouTube Camera’s, Sony, Panasonic Lumix, FujiFilm X}”. Create a good slug for this post and a meta description with a maximum of 100 words. And add it to the end of the blog post. 100% 100% 99%
    Write an article on the topic [Do Your Employees Require Screen Recording?]. The article should be at least [1000 Words] in length. Use a persuasive tone and pretend to be an expert on the topic. 96% 100% 100%
    I want you to write a motivational blog post about overcoming [Fear of losing a loved one!] 93.5% 100% 99%
    Write an essay on the pros and cons of [Hiring SEO Virtual assistants!] in 1500 words. 28.95% 100% 98%
    Build a reader persona for a blog post titled [How to make an SMM Panel Logo?]. 100% 100% 96%

    So, does ChatGPT generate the same content for everyone?

    After conducting a thorough analysis of ChatGPT-generated content using various plagiarism tools, it is evident that the content produced by ChatGPT is a rephrased version of the dataset it learned from. Therefore, it is not considered plagiarized. 

    Now, here is the million-dollar question that arises! Does ChatGPT generate identical Output for all users? 

    Of course not!

    ChatGPT generates different answers for different users, even if they ask the same question. This is because several factors influence the answers it generates. These factors include,

    1. The context and phrasing of the question, 
    2. The quality of the input, and 
    3. The communication style and preferences of each user. 

    ChatGPT is designed to adjust its language and tone to match each user’s communication style and preferences. As a result, the answers provided for the same interaction will vary from one user to another.

    Wrap Up

    Will my content get plagiarized if ChatGPT-generated content is used?

    Well, no matter what type of AI writing assistants you use, the content will definitely show plagiarism in some way. Don’t just blame the AI model for that! It’s because of the fact that still the content created using AI technology lacks the human touch. Therefore, the visibility of the content on search engines will get hurt.

    As per a recent Google update, if your content is not intended for readers or users, it will be penalized and impact your SEO level. 

    In simple words, using any AI writing tools you’re comfortable with is not a crime. But, it often comes up with a big responsibility to proofread and make it more humanized. 

    That’s the wrap for the topic. What do you think of this AI-plagiarism dilemma? Let us know in the comments section.

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