Last Updated: April 19, 2024

AI Statistics & Predictions 2024 – AI Usage, Trends & Fears

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    SM90Andrew Morris

    Co-authored by

    Fact Checked

    100% human content The content of this article was entirely researched, written and reviewed by humans, to ensure accurate and exclusive information. No AI writing tools were used.

    All right then, let’s dive into the AI world! Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is no longer some far-off futuristic idea. It’s real and happening right here, right now, and it’s turning our lives upside down (in a good way).

    Seriously, it’s everywhere you look! AI is all around us, from helpful voice or chat assistants that answer your random questions, to those self-driving cars that make you feel like you’re in a sci-fi movie.

    Not to forget AI writers, AI video generators, and all the other AI-powered marketing tools we have been reviewing lately.

    And let us tell you, AI isn’t slowing down one bit. In fact, it’s growing faster than a kid on a sugar rush! There’s a new application, a fresh innovation, or a mind-blowing breakthrough happening practically every day.

    So, buckle up and get ready for the AI rollercoaster because it’s going to be a wild ride!

    In this blog post, we’re going to dish out some eye-opening stats that’ll show you just how AI is taking over the world and what it means for our future. 

    We’ll cover all the cool trends, the mind-blowing uses, and AI’s impacts in different industries and fields. Whether you’re a total AI geek, a business owner curious about tapping into this tech, or just a curious cat, this post has got something that’ll blow your mind.

    So, let’s jump right in and explore the astonishing world of AI together! 🤖🚀

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      AI Trends: Statistics and Growth Predictions

      Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, and its impact on our lives is only going to grow. Here are a few statistics and predictions that illustrate AI trends:

      • The global AI market size is projected to reach $407 billion by 2027, experiencing substantial growth from its estimated $86.9 billion revenue in 2022. (that’s nearly a +400% in growth in 5 years!)

      • The global AI chip market revenue will reach $135.18 billion by 2030. These chips are designed to accelerate the performance of AI applications such as natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning.

      • According to Grand View Research, AI is expected to see an annual growth rate of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030. This rapid growth emphasizes the increasing impact of AI technologies in the coming years.

      • AI is expected to contribute significantly to a 21% net increase in the United States GDP by 2030, showcasing its impact on economic growth.

      • By 2030, China is predicted to be the world leader in AI technology, with 26.1% of the global market share.

      It is important to stay informed about the latest AI trends so that we can make informed decisions about how to use this technology, invest in it, or adapt our business and marketing efforts to the trends.

      AI is used in various domains and applications, such as writing assistants, voice assistants, chatbots, self-driving cars, robotics, healthcare, education, entertainment, and more. 

      And they are as important in business as in daily people’s life. Usage across all sectors and is destined to grow over the years. Let’s start by having a deeper look at AI usage facts and stats in business.

      Stats Of AI Usage in Business

      AI is not only used by large corporations or governments but also by small businesses and individuals who want to leverage its benefits and capabilities. According to a Forbes Advisor survey:

      1. Over 60% of business owners believe AI will improve customer relationships.
      2. Over 60% of business owners say AI will increase productivity.
      3. Over 60% of business owners plan to invest more in AI in 2023.
      4. 97% of business owners believe ChatGPT will help their business.
      5. The chatbot market worldwide is expected to grow from $2.6 billion in 2021 to $9.4 billion by 2030. Chatbots are software programs that can interact with humans via text or voice, providing information, support, or entertainment.

      Stats Of AI Usage in Daily People's Life

      ChatGPT is a generative AI tool that can create high-quality text content for various purposes, such as blogs, emails, social media posts, ads, and more. ChatGPT’s remarkable adoption rate is evident, as it garnered 1 million users within the first five days of its release.

      AI is also used by consumers who want to enjoy more personalized and convenient experiences. 

      • There are 8 billion AI-powered voice assistants as per 2023.
      • The highest number of Alexa’s inventory skills are accessible in the US – about 66,000 skills.
      • Half of US mobile users use voice search every day, according to UpCity. This trend showcases the growing prevalence of AI-powered voice assistants in everyday life.

      •  One in 10 cars will be self-driving by 2030, as the global market for self-driving cars is forecasted to increase from 20.3 million in 2021 to 62.4 million.

      AI Facts & What to Expect

      AI is not a new technology, but it has been making huge strides in recent years thanks to advances in machine learning, data availability, and computing power.

      But what does the future hold for AI? How will it impact our businesses, our economy, and our society? Here are some of the biggest AI Happening that, we think, will shape 2023 and beyond:

      1. The democratization of AI: AI will become more accessible and affordable for everyone, regardless of their technical skills or resources. More and more apps will offer AI functionality with simple interfaces and no-code or low-code platforms. This will enable anyone to create, test, and deploy AI-powered solutions for their specific needs and problems. For example, SwayAI is a platform that allows anyone to develop enterprise AI applications, and Akkio is a tool that can create prediction and decision-making models.
      2. The ethics and explainability of AI: AI will also face more scrutiny and regulation as it becomes more pervasive and influential. There will be efforts to overcome AI’s “black box” problem, where we don’t know how or why it makes certain decisions or predictions. There will also be more attention to the ethical implications of AI, such as its impact on privacy, security, bias, fairness, and human rights. AI developers and users will have to adhere to certain principles and standards to ensure that AI is trustworthy, transparent, and responsible.
      3. The innovation and integration of AI: AI will continue to innovate and improve in various domains, such as text, speech, vision, natural language processing, and computer vision. It will also become more integrated with other technologies, such as cloud computing, blockchain, the internet of Things (IoT), 5G, and quantum computing. This will create more connected ecosystems with AI at their core, enabling new possibilities and opportunities for businesses and organizations. 
      4. The growth and impact of AI: AI will also significantly impact the global economy and the workforce. According to IDC research, global spending on AI technology will reach $500 billion by the end of 2023, with the fastest growth coming from the media industry. 

      AI Concerns & Fears

      These statistics show that AI is not only a powerful technology that can enhance various aspects of life and work, but also a potential source of risk and challenge that requires ethical and responsible use.

      AI is here to stay and will continue to shape the future of technology, business, and society in the upcoming years.

      But it is essential for everyone to be aware of the latest developments and trends in this field, as well as the challenges that come with it.

      In fact, among people, there is concern about the usage of AI as well. In fact,

      • Over 75% of consumers are concerned about misinformation from AI.

      • According to a Pew Research Center report from 2022, 45% of U.S. adults say they are more concerned than excited by the increased use of AI in daily life, while 28% say they are more excited than concerned.

      • A 2023 survey of AI experts found that 36% fear that AI development may result in a “nuclear-level catastrophe.” Almost 28,000 people have signed an open letter written by the Future of Life Institute, asking for a six-month pause or a moratorium on new advanced AI development.

      • A 2023 article by Josh Bersin, an industry analyst and educator, claims that only 9% of average citizens believe AI will do more good than harm for society. He argues that the fears are unfounded and that AI can be beneficial for many domains.

      • A 2023 article by Perna and Turner, psychologists and researchers, discusses the psychological fears associated with AI, such as anxiety, loss of control, dehumanization and existential threat. They suggest some ways to cope with these fears, such as education, regulation and humanization of AI.

      Pros and Cons Of AI


      Bottom Line

      So, we have reached the Wrap-up section. With this sufficient knowledge and understanding of AI growth, you can conclude how incredibly fast AI is growing nowadays. 

      But, what we think of this growth and what the future of AI holds? Will it replace humans? Will people lose their jobs? Will it – as some people are afraid of – completely wipe out the human race? 

      We always like to remember one thing: these tools are man-made, and there is no chance of AI taking over humanity. At the same time, these tools don’t have – and probably never will – the creativity and individuality of humans.

      But surely, as AI is growing faster than ever, with impressive statistics that show its potential and impact in various domains and industries, it is also changing the way we live, work, and interact with each other

      The rise and development of AI is something of historical, which will shape the modern society and – maybe – we are just getting started.

      However, AI also comes with challenges and risks that need to be addressed and managed. 

      Therefore, it is essential to understand the pros and cons of AI usage and to adopt a responsible and ethical approach to AI development and deployment.

      But as we do digital marketing and reviewed 60+ AI Tools so far, from AI writing tools, all the way down to Website builders, it is clear that using these tools wisely will increase productivity and improve time consumption. 

      But, what do you think? Please let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear your opinion.

      So, see you all in the next exciting blog post. Until then, stay tuned😉 and stay safe!🫡

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